Casino Workers, Advocates Applaud Introduction of Assembly Bill to Eliminate Casino Smoking Loophole

February 24, 2022Contact: Assemblymen Bill Moen, Paul Moriarty & Herb Conaway Introduce Bipartisan A2151 [...]

2022-02-24T12:14:22-08:00February 24th, 2022|Categories: News, Policymakers, Press Releases, Smokefree Casinos, Workers|Tags: , , , |

Casino Workers, Advocates Respond to Misleading & Incomplete Industry-Funded Study on Smoking

February 23, 2022Contact: Casino Dealer: “Casinos’ Blatant Disregard for Our Well-Being is Disgraceful" Atlantic [...]

Former Governor, Current Senator Richard Codey Co-Sponsors Bill to Eliminate New Jersey’s Casino Smoking Loophole

February 7, 2022Contact: Codey Signed 2006 Legislation Prohibiting Indoor Smoking in Most Public Places [...]

2022-02-07T13:48:41-08:00February 7th, 2022|Categories: News, Policymakers, Press Releases, Smokefree Casinos|Tags: , |

Navajo Nation’s Smokefree Casinos Law Takes Effect on Saturday

February 4, 2022Contact: Berkeley, CA -- The Air is Life Coalition is celebrating the [...]

2022-02-04T09:35:31-08:00February 4th, 2022|Categories: News, Press Releases, Smokefree Casinos, Tribal Casinos|Tags: , |
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