New Orleans Celebrates 10 Years Smokefree Casinos Providing an Example

A Decade of Healthier Workplaces and Economic Success Proves Smokefree Policies Benefit Workers and the [...]

Navajo Nation Celebrates Second Anniversary of Air is Life Smokefree Law

"The second anniversary of the Air is Life Act is a testament to the Navajo [...]

Smokefree Advocates Respond to All-Time High Atlantic City Casino Revenue

January 18, 2023Contact: Smokefree Advocates Respond to All-Time High Atlantic City Casino Revenue “Imagine How [...]

Smokefree Parx Casino Leads Pennsylvania to Record Revenue in October

November 17, 2021Contact: Parx Casino: We Continue to Gain Market Share While Operating Smokefree, [...]

Park MGM President Says Going Smokefree Has Been “a Very Positive Differentiator”

October 25, 2021Contact: “Significant Market of People Out There Who Were Looking for…a Smoke-Free [...]

BREAKING: Atlantic City Casinos Set Revenue Record While Operating Smokefree in June

BREAKING: Atlantic City Casinos Set Revenue Record While Operating Smokefree in June "It's Time For [...]

2021-07-20T08:16:15-07:00July 16th, 2021|Categories: Management, Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

Banner Highlighting Smokefree AC Casinos to Fly Above Jersey Shore This Memorial Day Weekend

Banner Highlighting Smokefree AC Casinos to Fly Above Jersey Shore This Memorial Day Weekend Banner [...]

New AGA Report Shows Smokefree Casinos Increasing Revenue

Data counter industry fears that smokefree policies lead to decreased revenue November 16, 2020 Contact: [...]

Smokefree Policies in PA, NJ Casinos Help Keep Nearly All Workers COVID-Free

Casinos Also Experience Year-Over-Year Revenue Increases, Despite Industry Fears That Smokefree Would Hurt Business November [...]

New Study Finds Growing Support Among Nevadans For Smokefree Casinos Law

UNR Study: 60% of Washoe County residents—including smokers—support smokefree casinos Casinos nationwide are adopting smokefree [...]

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