The Smokefree Casinos Model Policy and Implementation Toolkit is organized to provide you a set of tools that will be helpful for successful implementation of smokefree casino policies. The main folder is designed with a workbook in the front, which sets the stage for understanding more about casino gaming establishments, and the issues and problems with employee exposure to secondhand smoke in these worksites. Examples of surveys, resources, ads, and sample policies are included in this main folder. In addition to the main folder, there are four specific brochures: Casino Management, Customers/Community Stakeholders/Engaging Gaming Workers, Human Resources, and Policy Implementation. These brochures will give you helpful ideas for talking to casino stakeholders and involving workers in the conversation. You will also find tips and tools for engaging the surrounding community, responding to common misconceptions about smokefree casinos, and successfully implementing your smokefree casino policy.
A casino’s smokefree air policy demonstrates concern for the health and well-being of casino staff. It is no surprise that casino workers are among the biggest supporters for smokefree gaming. This section offers valuable tips for talking with HR directors about the benefits a smokefree air policy.